From a young age, Michelle SM has been a great believer of quality skin care in order to achieve natural beauty. From homemade remedies and natural skin care tips taught by her mother - to becoming inspired and eager of creating her very own cosmetic and skin care line. After much trial and error experimenting with different types of cosmetics and products, Michelle continued to learn more about ingredients and color formulations that enhance beauty and benefit the skin; therefore she continued her research, giving it a unique name that elegantly describes the meaning of beauty; and yes, that is how Éclatante Luv was born. Michelle SM wanted Éclatante Luv to not only signify or portray beauty, but also highlight - quality. This is why Éclatante Luv cosmetics and skin care are carefully formulated and designed with top of the line manufacturing companies from the U.S.A and Canada. Éclatante Luv is vegan, gluten free, paraben free, non-comedogenic, vitamin infused with FDA approved ingredients. Subscribe for the latest info on new cosmetics skin care, beauty products, perfumery and accessories.
Remember the slogan ~Age does not matter, is how you look and feel.
Éclatante Luv™
Michelle SM B.A.S., M.A. Ed
Graduate from the California State University of Bakersfield, completed a wide range of courses like physical science, biology, chemistry, human anatomy, Philosophy, criminal justice, law & government, Political Science, Acting, Singing and Film production to mention a few from the upper division category University courses. Michelle SM changed her Educational Major twice, exceeding in credits as an undergrad and postgraduate. Michelle was successful in her educational endeavors, therefore received an Associates degree in Arts & Sciences, and a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology and Criminal Justice.
In 2013, Michelle graduated again, from the California State University of Bakersfield, with a Master of Arts.
More detailed information about Michelle SM, current projects and IMDB page click on the following links: Http://www.imdb.com/name/nm7510593/#miscellaneous
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The Éclatante Luv Team